
Top Beauty Blogger Singapore

Who are you?

Faith Tan is my real name. I am also known as Faithy.

Former school teacher turned Edupreneur. Multiple-business owner. Mental health Advocator & Volunteer. Dancer. Certified Personal Makeup Artist. Former flight stewardess, now married to an airline pilot.


Singapore beauty influencer - the "I" word still makes me cringe a little.

tai-tai (Mandarin for "Lady of Leisure") - fact check: FALSE claim. But wish to be one day.


Just a simple girl at heart who dares to dream big and live life on her own terms... and step-by-step, fulfilled many of her dreams through sheer hard work and God-given opportunities in life. Fun fact: I am typed as an INFJ, the rarest personality type in MBTI.

Why did you start this blog?

To share my passion about beauty (Check out this video to understand how much of a beauty fanatic I am - built my dream vanity room for my makeup stash!), to recommend nice things to my readers, and sometimes just to muse about random trending topics.  

Back Story: In 2011-2012, I suffered from really bad adult acne. I spent copious amount of time & money finding the right skincare and treatments for my acne problem. From there, I branched into collecting makeup as I dolled myself up to look more presentable. Always intrigued by makeup artistry since I was as young as five years old,  I view makeup application not as a form of vanity but as an art - a form of functional art and expressive art.

What is your skin tone?

NC25-30. Medium fair with yellow undertones.

What is your skin type?

Sensitive, combination, acne-prone skin type, with pigmentation spots.

How do you rate beauty products?

I give them kisses! Not all beauty reviews end up with a rating though.

Refer to the following legend:

Top Beauty Blog Singapore
Top Beauty Blog Singapore
Top Beauty Blog Singapore
Top Beauty Blog Singapore
Top Beauty Blog Singapore

How did you devise your ratings?

Different products, different focus. Generally, I consider factors such as the texture, ease of use, product packaging, scent and price. For makeup, I will also look at the shades/colours; For skincare, I test its effectiveness  as product claims.

Are you up for collaborations & sponsorships?

It depends. Contact me directly.

I DO NOT review every product I receive. Kindly read my DISCLOSURE POLICY  to help you decide if we can be a good fit!

How do I contact you?

You can use the contact form HERE. OR simply email to faithyvanitytable@gmail.com.

Follow me! (Sometimes, I may respond faster on social media)

BUY ME A COFFEE https://www.buymeacoffee.com/faithyvanitytable
Instagram @faithyvanitytable
Facebook Faithy Vanity Table
Collection of my Insta-videos HERE on YOUTUBE.
Clozette http://www.clozette.co/u/rainfaith
TikTok @faithyvanitytable